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Reintroducing....Sunkst Goods!

by Kerra Talbott |

The irony of this post happening on August 8 (8/8) exactly a year after the last post is not lost on me. There's a lot we can say about this day (it's the Lion's Gate Portal if you want to look it up). But there's so much that's happened behind the scenes this past year that brought us here. It's no secret that I've always wanted to have a shop. But what that shop and the products look like has always been a little unknown. Even now I'm not 100% sure what my products are going to look like. But I've gone through a lot of personal discovery this past year that has brought me here and brought along this adjustment to an idea I've had for years. So all of this to say, this shop has a new (ish) name!

sunkst goods badge logo

Meet Sunkst Goods! The biggest change is an emphasis on products because this brand is an extension of my main brand, Kerra Sun Creative. So while that brand is about my creative process and who I am as a creative, this brand is all about the products that creative process inspires. It's not a huge change but this announcement brings a renewed focus on creating products in a new way. My passion this past year has been creating patterns and color palettes and just tapping into the joy it brings me. So I plan on bringing some of those patterns and colors to quality products. I can't wait to start sharing soon!

This process has been way more about self discovery than I thought it was going to be but I'm grateful for the patience that has allowed me to come this far. I'm excited to see what this brand grows into from this point forward.

xoxo kerra
sunkst sun


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